blue collar
- 双语例句
Blue collar guy just working in a cubicle.
来源:网络期刊摘选Simple and unaffected house decoration suits the taste of white and Blue collar workers.
来源:网络期刊摘选They were called blue-collar workers .
他们被称为 蓝领工人.
来源:互联网This applies to all white-collar employees , and sometimes to blue-collar workers as well.
这些规定不仅适用于 白领阶层, 而且有时也适用于蓝领阶层.
来源:互联网Chan a 34-year-old high-school dropout, has one of Hong Kong's most vertiginous and challenging blue-collar jobs .
陈,34 岁,高中辍学生, 是香港最令人眩晕,最具挑战性的 蓝领工人 之一.
来源:互联网The jobs of many blue-collar workers are now done by machines.
来源:互联网Unemployment among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding among blue-collar workers .
白领 工人的失业率与 蓝领工人 相比,地区性差异要小得多.
来源:互联网He had lost of blue-collar job.
来源:互联网What is a Blue Collar Job?
来源:网络期刊摘选So they are called blue-collar workers .
因此,他们被称为 蓝领工人.