n. 畸形;残废
deformity 基本解释
n. 畸形的人(或物);畸形状态;(道德等方面的)缺陷;畸形(或残缺)的部分
deformity 变化形式
复数: deformities
中文词源: deformity
1、 Drugs taken during pregnancy may cause physical deformity in babies.
- A congenital lip deformity caused him to speak in a nasal almost unintelligible whisper .
- 天生的嘴唇畸形致使他说话带有鼻音,耳语般几乎听不大清。
- Was born with a facial deformity and was constantly told by his step father how hideous he was .
- 他天生面部畸形,而且总是被继父说得多么多么可怕。
- Today doctors justified the fourth , arguing that the recipient could not function in society with such an extreme deformity .
- 现在,医生为第四例手术辩护说,病人极度畸形的面部是她无法进行正常的社会生活。
- In the nun 's eyes , it was the kind of deformity that protestants were prone to ; it was for anne 's sake , as everyone knew , that henry viii had broken away from rome and plunged his entire nation into the darkness of apostasy .
- 在修女眼中,新教徒或多或少都会有某种身体上的畸形;众所周知,国王享利八世为了安妮博林和罗马教廷水火不容,致使整个国家陷入离经叛教的黑暗之中。
- Going back to first principles , vice skulks , with all its native deformity , from close investigation ; but a set of shallow reasoners are always exclaiming that these arguments prove too much , and that a measure rotten at the core may be expedient .
- 回顾最初的准则时,恶习,连同它的原生畸形,仍潜伏在紧密审视的眼皮底下;但一些专擅推理却浅薄的人总嚷着,这些理据过犹不及,烂心的度量可能是权宜之计。