n. 酋长;首领;(苏格兰的)族长
chieftain 基本解释
n. (部落)酋长,族长,首领
词源考究 来自chief,主要的。
chieftain 变化形式
复数: chieftains
中文词源: chieftain 首领,酋长 来自chief, 主要的。 chieftain
1、 His father is the chieftain of the clan.
- But do not suggest that he is a wall street chieftain .
- 但这并不意味着他就是华尔街的首领。
- But the mystique that surrounded the terrorist chieftain in life is persisting in death .
- 但是围绕这位恐怖主义首领一生的谜团却并未解开。
- On the island of fiji , they were worn on a necklace by a chieftain as a symbol of status and rank .
- 在斐济岛上,酋长们戴着黄金宝螺贝壳的项链,用来作为他们地位和等级的象征。
- Baradar may have had better credentials as mullah omar 's brother-in-law and longtime confidant , but he was a consensus seeker , in the mold of a traditional tribal chieftain .
- 作为奥马尔毛拉的姐夫和多年知交,巴拉达也许被更好的信任,但他作为传统意义上的部落首领是个合格的探索者。
- As one of mr clegg 's predecessors put it , where the prime minister wakes up thinking about what he has to do , and the tory leader ponders what to say , the lib dem chieftain wonders how to make anybody pay him the slightest attention .
- 正如克莱格一个前任所说,醒来第一件事,首相考虑的是该做什么,保守党领袖考虑的是该说什么,而自民党首领考虑的是怎么让别人注意到他。