n. 竞选活动,拉选票活动
v. 从事选举活动(electioneer的现在分词)
electioneering 基本解释
n. 竞选活动,拉选票活动
v. 从事选举活动( electioneer的现在分词 )
v. 从事选举活动( electioneer的现在分词 )
词源考究 来自elect,选举。
electioneering 竞选活动
来自elect, 选举。
中文词源: electioneering 竞选活动 来自elect, 选举。 electioneering
1、 This may well be part of Mr Karzai's own electioneering tactics,our correspondent says.
- Ageing societies put their electioneering politicians in a bind .
- 老龄化社会让参加竞选活动的政治家们出于困境。
- The nationalization of midterm elections was newt gingrich 's major contribution to modern electioneering .
- 将中期选举全国化是纽特.金里奇对现代竞选活动的重大贡献。
- As the american presidential election looms , so the electioneering moves up a gear .
- 随着美国总统大选日益临近所以许多竞选活动举措都提上了日程。
- Unlike the electioneering outfits of the past , the superpacs can raise unlimited cash from anonymous donors and spend it praising or rubbishing particular candidates .
- 与以往的竞选活动组织有所不同,超级政治行动委员会能够从匿名的捐赠者那筹集到不计其数的资金,然后利用其赞扬或丑化某些特殊的候选人。
- Hillary clinton - in electioneering rather than state department mode - had already demanded that both ukraine and georgia should be admitted to nato , prompting the question how washington would have felt if leonid brezhnev had invited mexico and cuba to join the warsaw pact .
- 希拉里克林顿在参加总统竞选活动时,曾要求把乌克兰和格鲁吉亚接纳为北约成员,这不禁让人想起这样一个问题,如果当初勃列日涅夫成功邀请墨西哥和古巴加入华沙条约组织,华盛顿会有什么样的感受。