n. 天资;天分;资质;鉴别力
flair 基本解释
n. 天资;天分;眼光;鉴别力
速记技巧 谐音记忆法 可用谐音法,谐音: 腹来尔,随尔从母腹中来的----天赋,本领,才华。
flair 变化形式
易混淆的单词: FLAIR
中文词源: flair 天资,天赋 来自拉丁语fragrare, 释放气味,闻,词源同fragrant. 字母l和r异化。原指猎狗的灵敏的嗅觉,后形容人的特殊能力,天资。 flair
1、 She dresses with real flair.
- Mr miliband 's assets of flair , charm and a growing ease with himself have been well displayed in manchester .
- 米利班德先生所拥有的天分,个人魅力和他越来越放松的状态这些优点已经在曼彻斯特很好地展示了出来。
- His success was the result of his unusual combination of technical smarts , strategic vision , flair for design and sheer force of character .
- 他结合非同寻常的技术智能、战略眼光、设计天分以及果敢行动于一身,从而走向成功。
- It is a common lament that academics lack entrepreneurial flair .
- 人们时常会听到对于学者缺乏创业才能的抱怨。
- Last month he flaunted both his technical know-how and his flair for self-promotion by emerging as the country 's top blogger .
- 上月,马西莫夫跃升哈国第一博主,这既夸耀了自己技术知识,也显摆了他的自我推销天资。
- As a marketing services agency with a creative flair , we decided to rent space in a disused school complex based in the north side of beijing .
- 我们是一家颇有创意天分的营销服务机构,决定在京北一所废弃学校的楼群里租办公用房。