
GMAT2024-01-13 21:54:25留学之路

n. 不祥的预感
adj. 有不祥预感的

foreboding 基本解释
n. (对不祥之事的)预感,预知
adj. <文>(对不祥之事)预感的,预知的
v. <正>预示(灾祸等)( forebode的现在分词 )



fear alarm apprehension fright foreboding These are all words for the bad feeling you have when you are afraid. 以上各词均表示害怕时的恐慌情绪。 fear the bad feeling that you have when you are in danger, when sth bad might happen, or when a particular thing frightens you 指害怕、惧怕、担忧: (a) fear of flying 害怕坐飞机 She showed no fear. 她毫无惧色。 alarm fear or worry that sb feels when sth dangerous or unpleasant might happen 指惊恐、惊慌、恐慌: The doctor said there was no cause for alarm . 医生说不必惊慌。 apprehension worry or fear that sth unpleasant may happen 指忧虑、担心、疑惧、恐惧: She felt some apprehension at seeing him again. 她有些担心再次见到他。 fright a feeling of fear, usually sudden 通常指突如其来的惊吓、恐怖: She cried out in fright. 她吓得大声叫喊。 用fear还是fright? Fear is a more general feeling than fright. You can use fear , but not fright , for things that always frighten you and for things that may happen in the future. fear的含义较fright广泛。对总是使人害怕的事物和对未来可能发生的事情感到担忧均可用fear,但不能用fright: I have a fright of spiders. his fright of what might happen Fright is a reaction to sth that has just happened or is happening now. fright指对刚刚发生或正在发生的事情的反应。 foreboding a strong feeling that sth unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen 指对不祥或危险事情的强烈预感: The letter filled him with foreboding. 这封信使他充满了不祥的预感。 常用搭配 a feeling of fear / alarm / apprehension / foreboding a growing sense of fear / alarm / foreboding fear / apprehension of / about what might happen She was shaking / trembling with fear / fright. His eyes widened in fear / alarm / fright.
foreboding 变化形式
复数: forebodings

中文词源: foreboding
1、 The letter filled him with foreboding.

A sense of foreboding descended over the rival bankers .
Japan 's assent to yen appreciation in the 1980s -- and the subsequent damage its economy suffered -- is a more recent historical episode full of foreboding for beijing .
In the chancelleries of the european union applause for the opposition movements still jostles with foreboding .
Behind the scenes , however , some of the brightest minds in the german government have a sense of deep foreboding .
In 30 years of following french presidential races , I have never seen one played out against such a background of foreboding and anxiety .



