
GRE2024-01-13 22:38:29留学之路

n. 额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价
adj. 高价的;优质的

premium 基本解释
n. 额外费用;保险费;附加费
adj. 高昂的;优质的

速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自拉丁语praemium,奖励,奖品,战利品,来自prae,在前,-em,拿,带,获得,词源同example,exempt.后用于形容词词义优质的,高端的,即额外的奖品。由该形容词词义又用于指经济学术语加价,溢价,保险费等。 谐音记忆法 还可谐音:拼命,为了奖金拼命干。

习语积累 习语 n. at a premium 1 稀少;难得 if sth is at a premium , there is little of it available and it is difficult to get Space is at a premium in a one-bedroomed apartment. 单居室公寓的空间是很有限的。 2 超出平常价;溢价 at a higher than normal price Shares are selling at a premium. 这种股票以高于面值的价格出售。 put/place/set a premium on sb/sth 重视;珍视 to think that sb/sth is particularly important or valuable
payment premium subscription repayment deposit instalment These are all words for an amount of money that you pay or are expected to pay, or for the act of paying. 以上各词均指款额、款项、付款。 payment an amount of money that you pay or are expected to pay; the act of paying 指款额、款项、付款: ten monthly payments of $50 每月付款50元,十次付清 payment in advance 预先付款 premium an amount of money that you pay once or regularly for an insurance policy; an extra payment added to the basic rate; a higher amount of money than usual 指保险费、额外费用、附加费、溢价: an insurance premium 保险费 a premium for express delivery 快递附加费 subscription an amount of money you pay in advance to receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine or to receive a service 指(报刊、杂志等的)订阅费、订购款,(服务的)用户费: a subscription to ‘Newsweek’ 《新闻周刊》的订阅费 repayment an amount of money that you pay regularly to a bank, etc. until you have returned all the money that you owe; the act of paying this money 指按期偿还的款项、分期偿还额、偿还债务、归还借款: the repayments on the loan 贷款的分期偿还额 deposit an amount of money that you pay as the first part of a larger payment 指订金: We've put down a 5% deposit on the house. 我们已支付了房款的5%作为订金。 instalment one of a number of payments that you make regularly over a period of time until you have paid for sth 指分期付款的一期付款: We paid for the car by/in instalments. 我们以分期付款买了这辆车。 常用搭配 The money was in payment / repayment of a debt. (a / an) annual / monthly / regular / cash payment / premium / subscription / repayment / deposit / instalment payment / repayment in full to pay a(n) premium / subscription / deposit / instalment to make (a) payment / repayment / deposit to meet / keep up (with) (the) payment(s) / the premiums / (the) repayment(s) / the instalments
premium 奖励,奖品,促销品,加价,溢价,优质的,高端的

中文词源: premium 奖励,奖品,促销品,加价,溢价,优质的,高端的 来自拉丁语praemium,奖励,奖品,战利品,来自prae,在前,-em,拿,带,获得,词源同example,exempt.后用于形容词词义优质的,高端的,即额外的奖品。由该形容词词义又用于指经济学术语加价,溢价,保险费等。 premium
1、 A premium of 10%is paid out after 20 years.
2、 Shares are selling at a premium.
1、 “It’s a habit for them Innovative companies, according to the authors, typically enjoy higher valuations in the stock market, which they call an “innovation premium (溢价).
1、 But a look at the prices on online grocer Fresh Direct suggests a grass-fed premium of anywhere from 35-60% .
但看看在线杂货商Fresh Direct的价格就会发现,草饲的价格要高出35-60%。
1、 To combat the trap of putting a premium on being busy, Cal Newport, author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, recommends building a habit of “deep work” – the ability to focus without distraction.

A decade or so ago , investors used to talk about the buffett premium .
The fear premium added by the iranian situation has just exacerbated this distortion in the price .
• You have to charge a 5x price premium for your product .
This fear premium will continue for as long as wall street is worried .
That was a 38 % premium — good , but not exceptional .



