dying out
- 双语例句
Theirs is an ancient and proud legacy, and it is dying out.
它们的一切均属于远古和值得称道的遗产, 它正在消亡.
来源:互联网This kind of bird is dying out in the world.
来源:辞典例句He sometimes felt as if the family's bolt was shot, their possessive instinct dying out.
他有时觉得这个家族的干劲已经耗尽, 他们的占有本能已经在消逝.
来源:辞典例句So, in truth, they're dying out there?
那么, 实际上, 他们是在坐以待毙 吗 ?
来源:互联网The strange, new style of dancing is slowly dying out.
来源:互联网There are many reasons for animals dying out, but the most important one.
动物的绝种有许多原因, 而最重要的原因在于人.
来源:互联网There are new uses of words coming in and old uses dying out.
来源:柯林斯词典例句库Is the elephant really in danger of dying out?
大象当真已濒临绝种的危险了 吗 ?
来源:互联网Nowadays, many old customs are gradually dying out.
当今, 许多旧风俗正在逐渐消亡.
来源:互联网Many animals are dying out.