- 双语例句
The principle of nomenclature for commercial dyestuffs ( Dyestuffs for textile )
GB3899.1-1986染料产品命名原则 ( 纺织品用染料 )
来源:互联网Foams of disperse dyestuffs in jet dyeing machine will exert serious influence on dyeing quality.
来源:互联网Aromatic amines are widely used in dyestuffs, pharmaceutical products, agricultural chemicals , surfactants.
芳胺产品广泛应用于化工 、 医药、染料 、 农药等领域.
来源:互联网It'shows practical value of dyestuffs when they were used in high tech field.
来源:互联网Paints and dyestuffs used by Huang were almost the same as, and the include substances times.
黄金鹏所使用的颜料几乎和原画一模一样, 入石青和某些矿物质颜料.
来源:互联网Hong Kong Dyestuffs Merchants Association Limited.
来源:互联网Manufacturers of dyestuffs, thickeners, chemicals and auxiliaries for the textile industry.
染料制造商, 增稠剂, 化学品和助剂,用于纺织行业.
来源:互联网Reactive dyes is one of the main dyestuffs usually used for cotton knits dyeing.
来源:互联网The dyeing properties of natural dyestuffs extracted from green tea, purple perilla, wild cabbage are studied.
以稀土为媒染剂,研究了绿茶 、 紫苏 、 甘蓝等天然染料对棉织物的染色工艺.
来源:互联网Standard colour cards for the nomenclature of commercial dyestuffs ( Dyestuffs for textile )
GB3899.2-1986染料产品命名标准色卡 ( 纺织品用染料 )