abobo 基本解释
[地名] [多哥、科特迪瓦] 阿博博
中文词源: abobo
- There had also been reports of an increasing number of IDPs coming to Abobo ( in Abidjan ) from Bouake .
- 还有报道说愈来愈多的境内流离失所者从布瓦凯跑到(阿比让的)Abobo。
- Ivorian Muslims pray in front of the Fitya mosque of the popular Abobo district of Abidjan , Ivory Coast on November27,2009 .
- 科特迪瓦的穆斯林祈祷在广受欢迎的阿博博阿比让,科特迪瓦区Fitya清真寺前的2009年11月27日。
- The attack took place in the Abobo neighborhood , where most residents back Mr.Gbagbo 's rival for the presidency , Alassane Ouattara .
- 袭击事件发生在阿博博社区。这里的大多数居民支持巴博的对手瓦塔拉出任总统。
- On 17 August , an unarmed militia , known as the Force de lib é ration du peuple , was also dismantled in the Abobo area of Abidjan .
- 8月17日,在阿比让的阿博博地区还解散了一个称为人民解放力量的非武装民兵团体。
- In the area called Adjam é, not too far from Abobo , towards the Plateau , at about 10 a.m. a group of demonstrators were dispersed by tear gas canisters launched from helicopters .
- 在一个通往阿比让高地,离Abobo不太远的叫Adjame的地区,大约上午10时许,一群示威者被直升飞机发射的催泪瓦斯驱散。