n. 女总管;护士长;主妇;保姆
matron 基本解释
n. (受人尊敬的)已婚老妇人;夫人;女看守;女警卫
速记技巧 词根词缀法 matri-,母亲,-on,大词后缀。即像母亲一样的女人或年长的女性,引申词义女舍监,女护士长等。
词根词缀 词根 matern, matr(i)= mother 母性, 母亲 maternal adj. 母亲的,母性的 matern 母性,母亲 + al …的 → 母亲的,母性的 maternity n. 母性;产科医院 matern 母性,母亲 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 母性;产科医院 matriarch n. 女家长 matri 母性,母亲 + arch 统治者 → 女家长 matriarchy n. 母系制 matri 母性,母亲 + archy 统治 → 母系制 matrimony n. 结婚,婚姻 matri 母性,母亲 + mony 表行为的结果 → 结婚后会成为母亲 → 婚姻 matrix n. 母体;子宫 matri 母性,母亲 + x → 母亲 → 母体 matron n. 主妇;保姆 matr 母性,母亲 + on 表人 → 母亲 → 主妇
matron 记忆方法
matr 母性,母亲 + on 表人 → 母亲 → 主妇
中文词源: matron 中年妇女,女舍监,女护士长 matri-,母亲,-on,大词后缀。即像母亲一样的女人或年长的女性,引申词义女舍监,女护士长等。 matron
1、 The groom's sister Karla Walton was the matron of honour.
- I found the matron and asked her how my mother was .
- 我找到了护士长,问她我母亲的情况。
- Barbara stanton has the perfectly manicured and coiffed look of the suburban matron .
- 芭芭拉斯坦顿有着郊区主妇指甲修剪整齐、头发梳理光洁的完美样子。
- Janet hackin , a matron in the a & e ward , says that patients do appear calmer , " rather than running around anxious and bleeding all over the place " .
- 急诊病房的一位护士长janethackin说,病人们确实显得更加镇定了,“而不是在充满焦虑和流血的环境里四处乱转”。
- No. because the girls were not allowed to wipe their bottoms until matron had conducted a stool inspection .
- 因为只有当女舍监完成了大便检查之后,女孩子才可以去擦屁股。
- Were the ballad sung by a post-menopausal matron , though , the person at the other end of the line would probably be her daughter-and the conversation would revolve around grandchildren .
- 不过,如果这首抒情歌曲是由一位停经后的家庭主妇唱的,那电话那端可能就成了她女儿,而且谈话的内容肯定与她的孙辈们有关。