n. 光环;光轮
aureole 基本解释
n. 光轮,光环;电晕;晕环;日晕
速记技巧 谐音记忆法 可用谐音法,谐音:奥瑞偶。奥林匹斯众神的祥瑞,那神圣的光芒被偶看见----日冕,光轮。
词源考究 来自词根aur,发光,金黄。
aureole 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Aureole
中文词源: aureole 光环 来自词根aur, 发光,金黄。 aureole
1、 Now we need to create the inner of the aureole.
- Only a faint aureole around the sun is visible .
- 在太阳周围仅仅可以看到微弱的光环。
- Mann even describes warholianly , you could say ! His face and head with " its aureole of white hair and its pallid eyes " .
- 曼甚至用“白发的光环和黯淡的双眼”来描述他的脸和头你可以说,这是“沃霍尔式的”!
- Since most aerosols are concentrated near earth 's surface , the aureole at sea level appears much larger than it would high on a mountain peak .
- 因为绝大多数气溶胶集中在地球表面附近,所以海平面处看到的光晕比高山顶上看到的要大得多。
- The girl presented in 165 cm either her talk or her every act and every move was so restrained , humble , and well-cultivated , no one can see any dazzling aureole on her at all .
- 眼前这个身高一米六五左右的女孩儿,无论说话还是举手投足,都那么内敛、谦和,富有教养,一点儿看不出存在任何耀眼的光环。
- Abstract the paper discusses the discourse right and academic democracy in architectural field from five points of invalidity of happiness , aureole , abundant and deficiency , forejudgement and transfer , and points out that only academic democracy can expand new theory and strive for discourse right .
- 以痛快的无效、光环的无效,丰欠的无效、雄断的无效及转移的无效这5个论题为切入点,对当今建筑界的话语权及学术民主问题进行讨论,指出只有学术民主才能壮大新理论,竞争话语权。