
雅思2024-01-13 21:14:41留学之路

n. 支出,开支,费用;经费
v. 花费

outlay 基本解释
n. 花费;费用
vt. 花费



costs spending expenditure expenses outlay outgoings These are all words for money spent by a government, an organization or a person. 以上各词均指政府、机构或个人的开支、支出、花费。 costs the total amount of money that needs to be spent by a business 指成本: labour/production costs 人工 / 生产成本 rising costs 正在上涨的成本 spending the amount of money that is spent, especially by a government or an organization 尤指政府或机构的开支、支出、花销: public spending 公共开支 More spending on health was promised. 已承诺增加医疗开支。 expenditure ( rather formal ) an amount of money spent by a government, an organization or a person 指政府、机构或个人的开支、支出、花费: expenditure on education 教育费用 expenses money that has to be spent by a person or an organization; money that you spend while you are working which your employer will pay back to you later 指个人或机构必需的开支、花费或报销的费用: legal expenses 律师费 travel expenses 差旅费 outlay the money that you have to spend in order to start a new business or project, or in order to save yourself money or time later 指必要的开支、费用: The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay. 最好的设备花费大,但这种开支很值得。 outgoings ( BrE ) the regular costs that a person or business has, such as rent and electricity 指个人或企业的经常性费用或开支,如房租、电费等 常用搭配 spending / expenditure / outlay on sth high / low / total / overall costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay / outgoings capital costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay government / public / education / health costs / spending / expenditure household costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outgoings to increase / reduce costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / the outlay / outgoings
outlay 变化形式
第三人称单数: outlays
过去式: outlaid
过去分词: outlaid
现在分词: outlaying

中文词源: outlay
1、 The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay.
2、 The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.

Lower fees for students from poor families would mean a smaller outlay for the exchequer .
But it can draw on centuries of historical and material capital to put on a decent show with little fresh outlay .
It should make sense for a landlord to insulate his house , since that would reduce electricity bills for a trivial outlay .
With costs estimated at around 200 a month plus fuel and with no initial outlay , the leasing system could also make driving cheaper .
One reason for the enormous construction outlay for the harmony express was difficult terrain , especially in the poor mountainous areas of guangdong and hunan provinces .



