adj. 褴褛的;破旧的;憔悴的;多籽的
seedy 基本解释
adj. 破烂的;多籽的,籽状的;疲倦的;粗鄙的
速记技巧 词根词缀法 seed,种子,籽,-y,形容词后缀。即结籽的,引申词义花期已过的,破败的。
seedy 变化形式
比较级: seedier
最高级: seediest
最高级: seediest
中文词源: seedy 结籽的,破败的,脏的 seed,种子,籽,-y,形容词后缀。即结籽的,引申词义花期已过的,破败的。 seedy
1、 Frank ran errands for a seedy local villain.
- A seedy and rundown photographer 's studio .
- 一间破旧凌乱的摄影室。
- Like some seedy racketeer , the delinquents in pyongyang had extorted a generous payment in exchange for talks about giving up their pursuit of nuclear weapons .
- 正如某些下流的敲诈者一样,平壤的无赖们就敲诈了一大笔钱,以此为交换条件开展放弃发展核武器的谈判。
- Mantel 's ninth novel is a beyond-black comedy about seedy , exhausted millennium-era britain and an obese , traumatised medium called alison who is cursed with the gift of second sight .
- 疲惫的太平盛世时代的英国的超越黑暗的喜剧,一个肥胖、充满伤痕的叫alison的媒介被第二视觉?的天赋所困扰着。
- Dill grumbles , looking utterly disappointed in his best friend , his once confidante in seedy one night stands , but not my brother anymore .
- 迪尔不满,失望,完全看他最好的朋友,他曾经在破旧的一夜情红颜知己,但不是我的哥哥了。
- Governments outlawed much of what was the bottom end of the housing market - the derelict apartment buildings , seedy hotels , and rooming houses - while legalizing vagrancy .
- 政府从法律上使房屋市场中的许多死角失去了法律效力,如废弃的公寓建筑、破旧的旅店和出租房屋等而使流浪合法化。