
雅思2024-01-13 21:45:41留学之路

v. (轻微)烧焦;烫焦;损伤
n. 烧焦

singe 基本解释
vt.& vi. 浅表烧焦
vt. (毛发)燎,烧焦尖端[边儿]
n. 浅表[轻微]烧焦

速记技巧 万物拟声法 来自古英语sengan,轻微的烤,轻微的烧,来自Proto-Germanic*sangijana,燃烧,来自PIE*senk,燃烧,可能来自拟声词,模仿物体在火烧时发出的轻微的噼啪声。


burn char blacken scald scorch singe These words all mean to damage, injure, destroy or kill sb/sth with heat or fire. 以上各词均含因高温或火导致损坏、损伤、毁灭之义。 burn to damage, injure, destroy or kill sb/sth with fire, heat or acid; to be damaged, etc. by fire, heat or acid 指(使)烧(或灼)坏、烧(或灼)伤、烧(或灼)死: She burned all his letters. 她把他的信全部付之一炬。 The house burned down in 1995. 那所房子在1995年烧毁了。 char [usually passive] to make sth black by burning it; to become black by burning 指(使)烧黑、烧焦: The bodies had been charred beyond recognition. 这些尸体已烧焦,无法辨认。 blacken [often passive] to make sth black 指使变黑: There was a row of brick houses, blackened by smoke. 那里有一排砖房,全被烟熏黑了。 用char还是blacken? Things that are charred have been burnt. Things can be blackened by fire or just by smoke, or by sth else entirely. char指烧黑、烧焦,blacken可指烧黑,也可指被烟或其他东西熏黑。 scald to burn part of your body with very hot liquid or steam 指因高温液体或气体而烫伤 scorch to burn and slightly damage a surface by making it too hot 指把物体表面烫坏、烧煳、烤焦: I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 我把自己的连衣裙熨焦了。 singe to burn the surface of sth slightly, usually by mistake; to be burnt in this way 尤指不小心把物体表面烤焦、烫煳: He singed his hair as he tried to light his cigarette. 他点烟时把头发给燎了。 用scorch还是singe? Things are scorched by heat or fire. Things can only be singed by fire or a flame. scorched指被高温烫坏或被火烧煳;singed只用于被火或火舌烧焦。 常用搭配 to burn / scald yourself / your hand to burn / scorch / singe your hair / clothes burned out / charred / blackened / scorched remains / ruins / buildings charred / blackened / scorched bodies / flesh / wood / paper
singe 变化形式
第三人称单数: singes
过去式: singed
过去分词: singed
现在分词: singeing

中文词源: singe 微烤,微烫,烤焦,烫糊 来自古英语 sengan,轻微的烤,轻微的烧,来自 Proto-Germanic*sangijana,燃烧,来自 PIE*senk, 燃烧,可能来自拟声词,模仿物体在火烧时发出的轻微的噼啪声。 singe
1、 The fire had begun to singe the bottoms of his trousers.

Love me up up not a singe day .
One singe , two flash , three cringe , four ash .
Getting too close to the sun can singe your wings , investors in the solar-panel sector are sure to learn .



