adj. 肮脏的;卑鄙的;悲惨的
squalid 基本解释
adj. 肮脏的;污秽的;卑劣的
速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自 squalor, 肮脏,污秽, -id, 形容词后缀。
词源考究 来自squalor,肮脏,污秽,-id,形容词后缀。
squalid 肮脏的
来自 squalor,肮脏,污秽,-id,形容词后缀。
中文词源: squalid 肮脏的 来自 squalor,肮脏,污秽,-id,形容词后缀。 squalid
1、 They lived in a squalid hovel for the next five years.
- Before then some had no facilities , whereas others set up typically squalid immobile toilets .
- 而在此之前,没有此类设备,人们只好搭起典型的无法移动的肮脏的厕所。
- Its commuter trains are crushed with passengers each morning ; its squalid slums hum with industry and ambition .
- 他的通勤火车每天早上都被乘客挤坏,他肮脏的贫民窟蓬勃地发展工业和雄心壮志。
- She is of the generation and hauteur that would think all mail order items are a bit squalid .
- 她那代人很自大,会认为所有邮购商品都有些肮脏。
- Curiously italy 's uneasy and in some ways incomplete unification is now re-emerging as an issue for mr berlusconi alongside his squalid legal cases .
- 奇怪的是,现在意大利的不稳定以及在某些方面不完全统一再次风起云涌,这些对肮脏的法律案件缠身的贝卢斯科尼来说是个问题。
- In georgia , people who have been internally displaced for 15 years continue to live in squalid , overcrowded collective centres lacking insulation from the cold and functioning sewage systems .
- 在格鲁吉亚,那些已经在国内流离失所15年的人们仍然继续生活在各个肮脏、拥挤的收容中心,这些收容中心无法御寒,而且缺乏污水排放系统。