adj. 惊人的;巨大的
stupendous 基本解释
adj. 惊人的;了不起的;巨大的;有重要性的
速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自拉丁语stupere,震惊,困惑,词源同stupid.-end,现在分词后缀,-ous,形容词后缀。引申词义极大的,使人惊叹的。
stupendous 极大的,令人惊叹的
来自拉丁语 stupere,震惊,困惑,词源同 stupid.-end,现在分词后缀,-ous,形容词后缀。引申 词义极大的,使人惊叹的。
中文词源: stupendous 极大的,令人惊叹的 来自拉丁语 stupere,震惊,困惑,词源同 stupid.-end,现在分词后缀,-ous,形容词后缀。引申 词义极大的,使人惊叹的。 stupendous
1、 Kotto gives a stupendous performance.
- Had not advanced engineering and industrial technology made this stupendous invention possible ?
- 如果没有先进的工程和工业技术,这惊人的发明有可能实现吗?
- Naturally , in this stupendous world of armoured trees and vertical deserts , humans have always looked endangered .
- 自然,在这个树木穿上盔甲、沙漠爬上山梁的巨大世界上,人类总是看上去有危险性。
- Google translate can provide stupendous services in many domains , but it is not set up to interpret or make readable work that is not routine - and it is unfair to ask it to try .
- 谷歌翻译可以提供惊人的,在许多领域的服务,但不成立或作出解释可读的工作不是常规的-,这是不公平的做法,尝试进行。
- Wallace 's inheritance also included a splendidly furnished paris apartment , an enchanting little chateau in the bois de boulogne called bagatelle and a stupendous fortune ( his aunt / grandmother also left a large fortune bequeathed by her father , a duke ) .
- 华莱士还继承了一套装修华丽的法式公寓,那是一套位于布罗涅森林的迷人小别墅,此外还有一大笔惊人的财产(他的姨母/祖母也将她从她的公爵父亲那得到的巨额财产遗赠给了他)。