
雅思2024-01-13 22:24:16留学之路

n. 广告
vi. 注意;谈到(后接to)

advert 基本解释
n. 〈英口〉同“advertisement”
vi. 引起注意;提到

速记技巧 谐音记忆法 可用谐音法,谐音:ad-add,vert-word。我来说两句----提及,提出看法。


ad advertisement commercial promotion advert trailer These are all words for a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service. 以上各词均指广告、启事。 ad ( informal ) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service 指广告、启事: We put an ad in the local paper. 我们在当地报纸上登了一则广告。 an ad for a new chocolate bar 新品种巧克力棒的广告 He was scanning the classified ads (= the section in a newspaper with small advertisements arranged in groups according to their subject) . 他在浏览报纸上的分类广告。 advertisement a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service; an example of sth that shows its good qualities; the act of advertising sth and making it public 指广告、启事、广告样品、宣传的实例、广告活动或广告宣传: Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car. 在当地报纸登一则广告来卖汽车。 Dirty streets are no advertisement for a prosperous society. 肮脏的街道绝不是繁荣社会的景象。 注释 When you are talking about a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service, advertisement can be shortened to the more informal ad or ( BrE ) advert . When you are talking about an example of sth that shows its good qualities, advertisement can be shortened to advert . advertisement指广告时可简化为较非正式的ad或advert,指广告样品可简化为advert。 commercial an advertisement on television or on the radio 指电视或电台播放的广告 promotion a set of advertisements for a particular product or service; activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service 指广告宣传、促销活动: a special promotion of local products 当地产品的特别促销活动 She works in sales and promotion. 她从事销售和推广工作。 advert ( BrE informal ) an advertisement 指广告、广告样品: I never watch the adverts on TV. 我从不看电视广告。 trailer ( especially BrE ) a series of short scenes from a film/movie or television programme, shown in advance to advertise it 指电影或电视节目的预告片 常用搭配
advert 变化形式
复数: adverts
第三人称单数: adverts
过去式: adverted
过去分词: adverted
现在分词: adverting

中文词源: advert
1、 Many of my clients felt that way about their site (advert,leaflet…).

The advert has since been removed .
Qandanj did this when they reached capacity after a successful mtv advert .
David bellamy : admittedly not the greatest advert for wearing a beard , but at least he cares about the natural world .
A friend alerted me to the advert for castaway , saying I 'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go .
Das comitee , a hamburg advertising agency , said the advert 's shock value was aimed at highlighting the dangers of unprotected sex at a time when public awareness about the risks was diminishing .



