bleaching agent
- 双语例句
Hydrogen peroxide is the most widely used commercial bleaching agent.
来源:互联网The residue ( SO 2 ) of Bleaching Agent was not detected in those 150 samples.
另依据卫生署合告的方法,检验漂白剂 ( 二氧化硫 ) 残留量,结果150件检体均未检出.
来源:互联网You should dilute the bleaching agent with water in the proportion of ten to one.
来源:互联网Also used as bleaching agent and antiseptic for wool, cotton, textile, chemical fabrics etc.
同时也可用于织物、毛纺 、 棉织物 、 化学织物的漂白.
来源:互联网Acid orange juice is the natural bleaching agent.
来源:互联网Keep carpets away from the chemicals, such as bleaching agent, insecticide, strong cleaning agent and skin-cream.
避免地毯沾染一般家庭常用的化学品, 如漂白水 、 杀虫水 、 强力清洁剂及护肤品等.
来源:互联网Never clean it with bleaching agent and grinding agent.
来源:互联网Ozerna 2 Super is a phosphate-containing multi-purpose detergent with high content of bleaching agent and power.
本品为含磷高效强力 多功能 洗涤剂,内含高配比漂白剂和抗再沉积剂.
来源:互联网Linen coarse yarn is bleached with a new acid bleaching agent instead of traditional sodium chlorite.
来源:互联网Step two : Regularly use a good bleaching agent, either over-the-counter or in the dentist's office.
步骤 二: 定期使用良好的漂白剂, 无论是在柜台上或者在牙医的诊室.