block of city
- 双语例句
All these cities were fortified with many groups of blockhouses, and some had high, thick city walls; also, they all had auxiliary defence works, including multiple lines of trenches, barbed-wire entanglements and abatis.
来源:互联网Various barricades blocked off all the main streets of the city.
来源:辞典例句The small-sized blockhouse architectures show good earthquake-proofing capacity as well.
小体量碉房建筑也在客观上产生了较好的 抗震 作用.
来源:互联网At the distance of a short city block stood the train station perched in darkness on the edge of the ravine, while below the tracks were illuminated in the amber glow of vapor lamps.
来源:互联网Indian police said protesters in the city of Jalandhar set fire to vehicles and roadblocks.
来源:网络期刊摘选Objective : To compare effectrelaxation of spasticity in cerebral palsy by Botulinum Toxin A and phenol block.
目的: 比较A型肉毒毒素阻滞术和酚阻滞术缓解脑性瘫痪患儿痉挛的优劣.
来源:互联网Usually the GPS is accurate to within half of a city block, or even better.
通常GPS的准确度可达到半个城市的街区, 甚至更好.
来源:互联网The synthesis of epoxy resin-hydroxy-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile block copolymer is studied by infrared spectrum and capacity analysis.
来源:互联网New blocks of flats and offices are mushrooming all over the city.
来源:互联网GWT: King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon arrived while his officers were blockading the city.
吕震中本: 巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒就亲自来攻那城,他的臣仆继续将城围困.