block plan
- 双语例句
Supposition: In solar system's planet, which can forever block the sun shine to Earth's sunlight?
假设: 太阳系的行星中, 哪颗能永远挡住太阳照射到地球的阳光?
来源:网络期刊摘选In many neighborhoods, someone forgot plan for that basic building block of livable cities, the sidewalk.
在许多社区, 有人竟然忘记为这些适宜居住的城市修建基础设施 —— 人行道.
来源:网络期刊摘选However, some of these miniblock capabilities are retrofitted after the airplane leaves the factory.
然而, 当飞机离开工厂之后这些子批号功能又有了新的变化.
来源:互联网Your key planet Saturn is conjunct the New Moon, roadblocks in your way.
这的防守星土星与新月合相, 在的途径上设置了滞碍.
来源:互联网Since then, this block in the planning design stage.
此后, 此地块处于规划设计阶段.
来源:互联网You'd better block in a plan of the building.
来源:《简明英汉词典》The disadvantages are, that there is a chemical plant block south and a slaughter houseblock north.
来源:互联网A meeting will be held to block out a plan of action.
来源:网络期刊摘选I plant is willing to plywood, particle board, blockboard, Zhu Jiaoban manufacturers to provide quality services.
我厂愿为胶合板 、 刨花板 、 细木工板 、 竹胶板厂商提供优质的服务.
来源:互联网Pitt planted tall trees outside his home to block rubberneckers.