- 双语例句
Beauty products are the main-licensing particleboard, plates, blockboard and other three major categories of 27 specifications.
公司产品主要有美人松牌刨花板 、 装饰板 、 细木工板等三大类共27种规格.
来源:互联网I plant is willing to plywood, particle board, blockboard, Zhu Jiaoban manufacturers to provide quality services.
我厂愿为胶合板 、 刨花板 、 细木工板 、 竹胶板厂商提供优质的服务.
来源:互联网Main production particleboard, plywood and blockboard furniture decoration with sheet metal.
主要生产刨花板, 胶合板,细木工板的家具装修用板材.
来源:互联网Main cement a kind of plywood and blockboard.
来源:互联网In addition, we also provide Plain MDF, Melamine Products, Particleboard and blockboard.
此外, 我们还提供平原中密度纤维板, 三聚氰胺产品, 刨花板和细木工板.
来源:互联网Blockboard Plywood surface finish is usually posted.