blue line
- 双语例句
You may go Blue Line Metro and get off at Capitol South.
来源:互联网Lift lever to align with blue line or to remove media.
来源:互联网In the example shown here the test uses a blue line to indicate pregnancy.
来源:互联网But unfavorable ACTS performed with red, or blue gems, lest the bright blue line will face.
但不宜饰用大红 、 大紫或鲜蓝色的宝石, 以免将脸色衬得发紫.
来源:互联网The blue line represents income from those products in the low volume niche market category.
来源:互联网I do not understand. What makes a straight blue line art?
我不明白一条蓝色直线算什么艺术 呀 ?
来源:英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语He likes to transfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts.
来源:柯林斯词典例句库From the concept of days, head saw blue line, so people also called it One-Line-Sky .
从中观天, 头顶只见蓝蓝的一线, 所以人们又叫它 一线 天.
来源:互联网What make a straight blue line art?
一条监色直线算什么艺术 呀 ?
来源:互联网I do not understand. What make a straight blue line art?
我不明白. 一条监色直线算什么艺术 呀 ?