- 双语例句
With its affectionate takes on classic men's wear, from bluejeans to Oxford shirts, Japan's fashion industry has had a longstanding relationship withAmerican style.
来源:互联网Not only does Center Stage work in FaceTime, it makes video calls more natural in other popular apps, like Zoom, BlueJeans, and Webex.
来源:互联网The patent for improvement in fastening pocket-openings was granted in 1873, and soon after Levi Strauss Company opened its first San Francisco factory to manufacture bluejeans.
改进加固口袋的方法的专利在1873年获得批准,不久之后,利维·斯特劳斯公司(Levi Strauss Company)在旧金山开设了第一家工厂,生产蓝色牛仔裤。
来源:互联网We are in a rural stretch of North America, a land of battered pickup trucks, dusty bluejeans and wind-burned farmers scanning the horizon for signs of a storm.
来源:互联网The patent for "improvement in fastening pocket-openings" was granted in 1873, and soon after Levi Strauss& Company opened its first San Francisco factory to manufacture bluejeans.
“改进加固口袋的方法”的专利在1873年获得批准,不久之后,利维·斯特劳斯公司(Levi Strauss&Company)在旧金山开设了第一家工厂,生产蓝色牛仔裤。
来源:互联网I wish I could invent something like bluejeans.
来源:互联网That belt streamerwhite shirt too has been attractive, when is joined to levigation bluejeans, we envied quickly go crazy.
来源:互联网As Yves Saint Laurent said more than once, "I wish I had invented bluejeans."
伊夫·圣·洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)曾不止一次说过,“真希望牛仔裤是我发明的。”
来源:互联网As Yves Saint Laurent said more than once, I wish I had invented bluejeans.
伊夫·圣·洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)曾不止一次说过,真希望牛仔裤是我发明的。