born again
- 双语例句
In 1987, Kirk Cameron became a born again Christian.
在1987年, 柯克卡梅隆又成为了基督教徒.
来源:互联网We must all be born again and yet again and again.
来源:互联网Man, you must be born again.
先生, 你必定再次新生.
来源:互联网She's also just been born-again!
来源:辞典例句Any minute now I will be born again!
来源:互联网Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again.
来源:互联网If I were to be born again, I would like to be a bird.
我要是再活一次, 我想当一只鸟.
来源:辞典例句Is the feeling that some nails, the cut will be born again, irrelevant.
有些感情是指甲, 剪掉了还会重生, 无关痛痒.
来源:互联网How can I be born again and receive the Holy Spirit?
我该如何重生得到圣灵 呢 ?
来源:互联网I feel as if I had been born again.