bottle gourd
- 双语例句
Use of materials are flour, bottle-gourd oil, sugar, eggs and soda and so on.
其用料有白面 、 葫油 、 白糖 、 鸡蛋及苏打等.
来源:互联网Extraction and Structure Identification of Flavonoid from the Leaves of Bottle Gourd Tea
来源:互联网Selection of Elite Cross Combination for Bottle Gourd and Its Evaluation and Analysis
来源:互联网Thunder dead: Shock bottle gourd now child snake spirit on the net immortal printing plate!
雷死人: 网上惊现葫芦娃蛇精真人版!
来源:互联网The child, lotus and bottle gourd designs suggest a family with a large number of children and grandchildren.
来源:互联网The oil, like a thin string, went straight into the bottle gourd through the hole in the copper coin without staining the coin at all.