bottom of foundation
- 双语例句
To prevent damage from repeated freeze-thaw cycles, the bottom of the foundation must be Below the frost line.
来源:互联网Based on this calculation, checks the soil anti-heave in the bottom of foundation pit using the stability analysis theory of the second chapter.
来源:互联网The main characteristics of high building especially the super high building are the height is high, the center of gravity is high, the pressure of the bottom of a foundation is big and the depth of the foundation is big.
来源:互联网The widened section, usually concrete, at the base or bottom of a foundation wall, pier or column.
来源:互联网Moreover, for the case of two foundations, the distribution of shear stress acting on the bottom of foundation is no longer symmetric about the centric line of the bottom surface.
来源:互联网The calculations demonstrate that sliding occurs between the bottom of foundation and the soil, while sliding and separation occur between the side of foundation and the soil.
来源:互联网In the paper, it is introduced that the construction method and experience of seepage control by the double-pipe method of high pressure jet grouting to seal the bottom of dock foundation of a shipyard in Burma horizontally.
来源:互联网Determing bias stress of reinforced concrete and size of basal bottom of single foundation by direct calculation
来源:互联网The numerical results show that the energy of vibration decreases to 2% of the original one when it transfers from bridge deck to the bottom of pile foundation.