bottom rail
- 双语例句
Design of Dust Removing System to the Electrical Equipment at the Bottom of Light Rail Vehicle
来源:互联网The model number can be found on the bottom rail.
来源:互联网The bottom of a connecting rail is provided with a plurality of notches for increasing flexibility.
来源:互联网The wearing and loss failure often occur between the two matching faces of the self-locking mechanism and the rail, which also happen to the faces between the large-scale component's bottom and the rail's upper level.
来源:互联网Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.
来源:互联网The load cell can also be moved up and down the length of the bottom rail.
来源:互联网According to the beneficial influence of superelevation to the flatcar bottom raised from rail surface, it is advised that the suitable superelevation ( 20-30) mm is necessary in the minimum radius curve negotiation.