vi. 溜;鬼鬼祟祟做事;向老师打小报告
vt. 偷偷地做;偷偷取得
sneak 基本解释
vi. 潜行;偷偷溜走;(儿童向成人)打小报告;告状
vt. 偷窃
n. 鬼鬼祟祟的人;溜走,偷偷摸摸的举动;小偷;告密的人
adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的,诡秘的,偷偷摸摸的
vt. 偷窃
n. 鬼鬼祟祟的人;溜走,偷偷摸摸的举动;小偷;告密的人
adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的,诡秘的,偷偷摸摸的
速记技巧 词源记忆法 sneak偷偷地走,溜走。可能来自中古英语sniken,爬,蜷缩,来自Proto-Germanic*snikana,爬,来自PIE*sneg,爬,词源同snail,snake.引申词义偷偷地走,溜走。 字母转化法 snake(蛇),把e梛进去变成sneak就是 “鬼鬼祟祟的”,看到蛇当然得鬼鬼祟祟地悄声 离开,要不被蛇咬了可是很伤身体的!!
动词辨析 sneak,lurk
sneak out渐隐;偷偷溜走
sneak in淡入,渐显
sneak out of逃避;偷偷溜出
sneak attack n.偷袭
sneak 变化形式
第三人称单数: sneaks
过去式: sneaked snuck
过去分词: sneaked snuck
现在分词: sneaking
过去式: sneaked snuck
过去分词: sneaked snuck
现在分词: sneaking
中文词源: sneak 偷偷地走,溜走。 可能来自中古英语 sniken,爬,蜷缩,来自 Proto-Germanic*snikana,爬,来自 PIE*sneg,爬,词 源同 snail,snake.引申词义偷偷地走,溜走。 sneak
1、 I managed to sneak him a note.
- He stole the money and sneak out of the house .
- 他偷了钱后从房子里溜了出去。
- Then they sneak back into the house , leaves and grass in their hair .
- 然后他们溜回屋里时,头发中还夹杂着树叶和草片。
- He claims roselli called at marilyn 's house at 10pm on august 4 , leaving the door unlocked so five hitmen could sneak in .
- 他说黑手党份子罗赛利在8月4日晚10点拜访了梦露的住处,没有关门,以便让五名杀手溜进去。
- Port-au-prince , haiti - the gray toyota corolla edged closer to the center of the intersection , trying to sneak past the man with a limp , directing traffic in jordanian army fatigues , with a whistle and purple plastic wand .
- 海地的太子港,灰色丰田花冠正缓缓驶进十字路口中心,试着从身着约旦陆军迷彩服,吹着哨子,手持紫色塑料棒,正在指挥交通的跛脚男人身边溜过。
- In theory , fast has the potential to detect terrorists in the final minutes before they act , but critics warn that the system may have other consequences , such as flagging innocent travelers through false positives while letting some with ill intent sneak by through false negatives .
- 理论上,fast具有在恐怖分子实施行为前的最后几分钟内识别他们的潜力,但是有评论家警告称这个系统可能会导致其他结果,比如主动误报无辜的旅客,却让一些不怀好意的人溜过。