
托福2024-01-13 21:05:28留学之路

v. (使)闪耀;(使)发光;(酒类饮料)发泡;活跃
n. 闪耀;火花;起泡;亮点;活力,活跃机智;生动新颖

sparkle 基本解释
vi. 闪耀,闪烁;活跃,焕发活力和才智
n. 光亮;活力

速记技巧 词源记忆法 spark,火花,火星,-le,表反复。

词根词缀 后缀 -le 1 表名词,“小” kettle n. 水壶 ket 水壶 + le 小 → 水壶 prickle n. 刺 prick 刺 + le 小 → 刺 speckle n. 小斑点 speck 斑点 + le 小 → 小斑点 2 表名词,“做某种动作时所使用的东西” girdle n. 腰带 gird 束缚 + le 做某种动作时所使用的东西 → 腰带 handle n. 把手 hand 手 + le 做某种动作时所使用的东西 → 把手 spindle n. 纺纱锭子 spin 纺纱 + le 做某种动作时所使用的东西 → 纺纱锭子 3 表动词,“反复、连续” joggle v. 轻摇 jog 轻推 + le 反复、连续 → 轻摇 tinkle v. 发叮当声 tink 发叮当声 + le 反复、连续 → 发叮当声 winkle v. 闪烁 wink 闪烁 + le 反复、连续 → 闪烁 4 表动词,“使…” darkle v. 变暗 dark 黑暗 + le 使… → 变暗 handle v. 操纵 hand 手 + le 使… → 操纵 sparkle v. 闪耀;闪烁 spark 火花 + le 使… → 闪耀;闪烁 speckle v. 使弄上斑点 speck 斑点 + le 使… → 使弄上斑点
shine gleam glow sparkle glisten shimmer glitter twinkle glint These words all mean to produce or reflect light. 以上各词均含发光、反光之义。 shine to produce or reflect light, especially brightly 指发光、反光、照耀: The sun was shining and the sky was blue. 阳光灿烂,天空一片蓝。 gleam to shine with a clear bright or pale light, especially a reflected light 指闪烁、隐约闪光、微光反射: Moonlight gleamed on the water. 月光照在水面上泛起粼粼波光。 glow (often of sth hot or warm) to produce a dull steady light 常指热的物体发出微弱而稳定的光: The end of his cigarette glowed red. 他的烟头发着微弱的红光。 sparkle to shine brightly with small flashes of light 指闪烁、闪耀: The diamonds sparkled in the light. 钻石在灯光下闪闪发亮。 glisten (of sth wet) to shine 指湿物闪光、闪亮: The road glistened wet after the rain. 雨后的道路润泽闪亮。 shimmer to shine with a soft light that seems to shake slightly 指发出微弱的闪光、闪烁: Everything seemed to shimmer in the heat. 在高温下所有的东西都好像在发光。 glitter to shine brightly with small flashes of reflected light 指闪亮、闪耀: The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold. 大教堂的天花板金光闪闪。 用sparkle还是glitter? There is very little difference in meaning between these two words. Glitter can sometimes suggest a lack of depth, but this is more frequent in the figurative use of glitter as a noun. 以上两词在意义上几乎没有差别。glitter有时暗指缺乏深度,但这较常在glitter作名词时作比喻义时用: the superficial glitter of show business 表面上光彩迷人的演艺业 Sparkle is also often used to talk about light reflected off a surface, but things that produce light can also sparkle. sparkle亦常用以指物体表面的反光,但物体发出亮光也用sparkle: Stars sparkled in the sky. 星星在天空中闪烁。 twinkle to shine with a light that changes rapidly from bright to faint to bright again 指一明一暗地闪耀、闪烁: Stars twinkled in the sky. 星星在天空中闪烁。 glint to give small bright flashes of reflected light 指微微闪光、闪亮、反光:
sparkle 变化形式
第三人称单数: sparkles
过去式: sparkled
过去分词: sparkled
现在分词: sparkling

中文词源: sparkle 闪烁,闪耀 spark,火花,火星,-le,表反复。 sparkle
1、 The performance lacked sparkle.
2、 There was a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

In today 's sharp sparkle , this winter air , anything can be made , any sentence begun .
Bernstein said increased margins from phone plan sales supported by a rise in the use of data by smartphone users " continued to sparkle " .
The dew made everything on the ground sparkle , and reaffirmed his belief that this was truly god 's country .
Get to work unpicking these concepts and it soon becomes plain that , like many french philosophers , mr badiou sacrifices clarity for linguistic zip and sparkle .
The city 's underbelly , not its sparkle , made international headlines last year : trucker strikes , railway snafus and home-owner protests defined shanghai 's 2011 .



