
托福2024-01-13 21:07:24留学之路

n. 桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金
vt. 资助,支持;系……于桩上;把……押下打赌

stake 基本解释
n. 桩;刑柱;股份;(在公司、计划等中的)重大利益
vt. 用桩支撑;以…下注[打赌];用桩区分,界分

速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自古英语 staca,桩,钉,销子,来自 Proto-Germanic*stakon,棍,棒,柱子,来自 PIE*steg, 棍,棒,柱子,词源同 stack,stick.

短语动词 习语 stake与以下词性连用 n. interests at stake 面临危机的利益 issues at stake 成败攸关的问题 stake lives on something 敢拿性命赌某事物 stake in a company/firm 公司股份 majority/minority stake 多数/少数股权 adj. controlling stake 控股权 personal stake 私人股权 stake out 明确表明,清楚界定(立场、要求等) 查看更多 以下资源来自牛津词典 stake sth↔out 1 清楚地界定自认为属于自己的东西 to clearly mark the limits of sth that you claim is yours 2 明确阐述自己的看法(或立场等) to state your opinion, position, etc. on sth very clearly The President staked out his position on the issue. 总统明确阐述了他在这个问题上的立场。 3 监视 to watch a place secretly, especially for signs of illegal activity Detectives had been staking out the house for several weeks. 侦探们已对这所房子监视了几个星期。 related noun stake-out 收起 n. at stake 成败难料;得失都可能;有风险 that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action We cannot afford to take risks when peoples' lives are at stake. 现在人命交关,不容我们有闪失。 The prize at stake is a place in the final. 这次如果获胜,便能进入决赛。 go to the stake over/for sth 为坚持自己的观点(或信仰)甘冒一切危险;为维护自己的观点(或信仰)不惜赴汤蹈火 to be prepared to do anything in order to defend your opinions or beliefs in the… stakes (评论一个人的某种品质高或低)要是比…的话,论… used to say how much of a particular quality a person has, as if they were in a competition in which some people are more successful than others John doesn't do too well in the personality stakes. 论人格魅力,约翰很一般。 up sticks also (NAmE pull up stakes) (informal) 突然迁居 to suddenly move from your house and go to live somewhere else v. stake (out) a/your claim (to/for/on sth) 公开宣布自己(对某物)的所有权;向公众表示某物应属于自己 to say or show publicly that you think sth should be yours Adams staked his claim for a
stake 变化形式
复数: stakes
第三人称单数: stakes
过去式: staked
过去分词: staked
现在分词: staking

中文词源: stake 桩,木桩,木柱,刑柱,用桩划界,界分 来自古英语 staca,桩,钉,销子,来自 Proto-Germanic*stakon,棍,棒,柱子,来自 PIE*steg, 棍,棒,柱子,词源同 stack,stick. stake
1、 Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake.
2、 He was burned at the stake for heresy.
1、 And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention.
1、 And more is at stake here than individual objects.

Yahoo originally acquired a stake in alibaba in 2005 .
The west has a major stake in kazakhstan .
More than 5000 jobs are at stake .
Beijing may soon have the bigger stake in saudi stability .
Nokia has the most at stake in this round of product upgrades .



