
托福2024-01-13 22:19:34留学之路

vt. 漱;冲洗掉;漂净
n. 冲洗;漂洗;[轻] 染发剂;染发

rinse 基本解释
vt. 漂洗;冲洗;漂净;冲掉
n. 冲洗;染发剂;漂洗

速记技巧 谐音记忆法 谐音:淋洗=冲洗。 词源记忆法 来自中古英语rinsen,冲洗,来自古法语rinser,冲洗,来自Proto-Germanic*hrainisona,清洁,净化,来自PIE*krei,ker,分开,筛选,词源同riddle,crisis.

短语动词 短语动词 rinse out 漱(口) 查看更多 以下资源来自牛津词典 rinse sth↔out 冲洗,洗刷干净(容器等) to make sth clean, especially a container, by washing it with water Rinse the cup out before use. 使用前将杯子冲洗一下。 收起
clean wash rinse cleanse dry-clean bathe These words all mean to remove dirt from sth, especially by using water and/or soap. 以上各词均含打扫、洗净之义,尤指用水、肥皂等。 clean to remove dirt or dust from sth, especially by using water or chemicals 指除去灰尘、打扫,尤指用水或化学品洗净、擦净: The villa is cleaned twice a week. 这栋别墅一周打扫两次。 Have you cleaned your teeth? 你刷过牙了吗? This coat is filthy. I'll have it cleaned (= dry-cleaned) . 这件大衣脏了,我得送去干洗。 wash to remove dirt from sth using water and usually soap 指洗、洗涤: He quickly washed his hands and face. 他很快把手和脸洗了。 These jeans need washing. 这条牛仔裤该洗了。 rinse to remove dirt, etc. from sth using clean water only, not soap; to remove the soap from sth with clean water after washing it 指用清水冲洗、清洗、冲掉皂液: Rinse the cooked pasta with boiling water. 将做熟的面食在开水里过一下。 Make sure you rinse all the soap out. 一定要把皂液冲洗干净。 cleanse to clean your skin or a wound 指清洁(皮肤)、清洗(伤口) dry-clean to clean clothes using chemicals instead of water 指干洗 bathe to wash sth with water, especially a wound or a part of the body 指用水清洗(伤口或身体部位等) 常用搭配 to clean / wash / rinse / cleanse / bathe sth in / with sth to clean / wash / rinse sth from sth to clean / wash / cleanse / bathe a wound to clean / wash / rinse (down) the car to clean / wash / rinse the floor to wash / rinse your hair to have sth cleaned / washed / dry-cleaned to wash / rinse sth clean
rinse 变化形式
第三人称单数: rinses
过去式: rinsed
过去分词: rinsed
现在分词: rinsing

中文词源: rinse 冲洗,洗刷 来自中古英语 rinsen,冲洗,来自古法语 rinser,冲洗,来自 Proto-Germanic*hrainisona,清洁, 净化,来自 PIE*krei,ker,分开,筛选,词源同 riddle,crisis. rinse
1、 I gave the glass a rinse.
2、 I wanted to rinse the taste out of my mouth.

Rinse off with warm water , and pat dry .
Rinse well , otherwise the cream cleaner will leave a residue .
Then they rinse , disinfect and ozonize each bottle .
Your dentist can prescribe a stronger concentration of fluoride in a gel , toothpaste or rinse if you need it .
When I am finished I rinse off my spoon and bowl place them in the sink and attempt to leave the kitchen .



