
托福2024-02-19 12:26:16留学之路

v. 限制;划一条线包围;确定..的范围;画(几何图形的)外接圆

circumscribe 基本解释
vt. 在…周围划线;划定…范围;限制;限定

速记技巧 词根词缀法 circum-,圈,周围,-scribe,写,划,见describe,script.
circumscribe相关的词根或词缀是: scribscript


circum 环绕 + scrib 写 + e → 画一个圈 → 立界限;限定

词根词缀 词根 scrib, script= to write 写 ascribe v. 把…归于 a 加强 + scrib 写 + e → 把账记在…头上 → 归因于 ascribable adj. 可归因于…的 a 加强 + scrib 写 + able 可…的 → 可归因于…的 circumscribe v. 立界限;限定 circum 环绕 + scrib 写 + e → 画一个圈 → 立界限;限定 conscribe v. 征募 con 共同 + scrib 写 + e → 大家写上〔名字〕→ 征募 describe v. 描写 de 加强 + scrib 写 + e → 着重写 → 描写 description n. 描绘 de 加强 + script 写 + ion 表动作 → 描绘 inscribe v. 铭刻 in 进入 + scrib 写 + e → 写进去 → 铭刻 inscription n. 铭刻;碑文 in 进入 + script 写 + ion 表物 → 铭刻;碑文 manuscript n. 手抄本;原稿 manu 手 + script 写 → 手抄本;原稿 postscript n. (信等)附言 post 后 + script 写 → 写在后面〔的文字〕→ 附言 prescribe v. 开药方;指示 pre 预先 + scrib 写 + e → 预先写好要求 → 指示 prescript n. 法令,命令 pre 预先 + script 写 → 预先写下的东西 → 命令,法令 prescription n. 处方;命令 pre 前;预先 + script 写 + ion,prescript 的名词 → 处方;命令 scribble v. 乱写 scribb〔= scrib〕写 + le 表反复,连续 → 乱写 scribe n. 书法家 scrib 写 + e → 书法家 scribe v. 画线 script n. 原本,脚本 scripture n. 圣经;经典 script 写 + ure 行为有关的物 → 写出的〔宗教作品〕原本 → 圣经 subscribe v. 订阅;认购 sub 下 + scrib 写 + e → 在单子下面写上名字 → 订阅;认购 subscriber n. 订户;捐助人 subscrib〔e〕订阅;认购 + er 表名词 → 订户;捐助人 transcribe v. 抄写,誊写 trans 转移 + scrib 写 + e → 写到别的地方 → 抄写 transcript n. 副本,抄本 trans 转移 + script 写 → 副本,抄本
circumscribe 记忆方法
circumscribe相关的词根或词缀是: scribscript


circum 环绕 + scrib 写 + e → 画一个圈 → 立界限;限定

中文词源: circumscribe 限制 circum-,圈,周围,-scribe,写,划,见describe,script. circumscribe
1、 He promised,too,to scrap some of the many rules that circumscribe daily life.

Business leaders can no longer separate innovation from the laws that circumscribe it .
Authority and fear can circumscribe the argument , or congeal it , but can 't end it .
China would try to push american power as far away from its borders as it could circumscribe the scope of american naval power and reduce america 's weight in international diplomacy .
Regulators are considering rules to circumscribe the amount and quality of collateral etf providers need and may also force the fund managers to disclose more about their counterparties and the techniques they use to match the indices the funds are supposed to track .
They see the institutional arrangements that circumscribe and encapsulate economic activity-the household , legal structures , customary market procedures , forms of contract arrangement , business organization , even ideology and morality-as constraining economic activity along with limitations on the stock of physical and financial resources .



