n. 锤头
hammerhead 基本解释
n. 锤头
adj. 锤头状的,鲁钝的
adj. 锤头状的,鲁钝的
hammerhead 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Hammerhead
中文词源: hammerhead 锤头鲨 因这种鲨鱼的头形如锤子而得名。 hammerhead
- A great hammerhead shark is captured close-up off the bahamas .
- 一条大型巴哈马锤头鲨的特写
- She was the first to record orcas hunting hammerhead and thresher sharks .
- 她也是第一个记录下虎鲸捕食锤头鲨和长尾鲨的人。
- In november , an international conference imposed a ban on trade in whitetip shark from the atlantic and on the hammerhead shark .
- 在11月份,国际会议上颁布了一份关于在大西洋上捕杀白鳍鲨和锤头鲨的贸易禁令。
- In the past 25 years , certain hammerhead sharks have declined 83 % in the northwest atlantic and up to 70 % in the eastern pacific and southwest indian ocean .
- 在过去的25年里,大西洋西北部的锤头鲨减少了83%,而太平洋东部和印度洋西南部则减少了70%。
- The convention on international trade in endangered species ( cites ) will consider greater protection of vulnerable sharks , including porbeagles , oceanic whitetip and three types of hammerhead to preserve their populations .
- 国际濒危物种会考贸易公约(cites)将会考虑脆弱的鲨鱼,包括鼠鲨、大洋白鳍鲨和三种类型的锤头鲨,提供更多的保护,以保存它们的数量。