adj. 无益的,没有用的;没有利润的
unprofitable 基本解释
adj. 无利益的;没有用的;无益
中文词源: unprofitable
1、 The snag is that unprofitable companies,which should have been squeezed out by competition,have remained alive because it is so hard to fire workers.
- A rate rise could make many of their fixed-rate loans unprofitable .
- 而一旦加息,就会导致许多固定利率的贷款无利可图。
- But the strong australian dollar made exporting unprofitable , and an influx of cheaper boards from asia hit domestic sales .
- 但澳元升值使出口无利可图,而亚洲廉价冲浪板的涌入,又冲击了国内企业的销量。
- Zte says it plans to eliminate unprofitable offices and products that don 't offer much potential .
- 中兴通讯表示计划剥离不盈利的办事机构和没有多大潜力的产品。
- The businesses it acquired remain unprofitable .
- 该公司收购的业务依然处于亏损状态。
- Philosophy could well be content to be left out of the game . Its place is outside the terrain of those pretensions-both of personalities and of abstract generalities ; and had it been drawn onto a field of that sort.only unpleasant and unprofitable results were to be expected .
- 哲学只得满意于被遗弃在这场把戏之外,哲学也乐得逍遥于那种人身攻击以及抽象概括的议论所侵侮的地盘之外,假使它也被牵扯进了这种场合,那么,它只能碰见些不愉快和无益的东西。