
托福2024-10-01 18:05:37留学之路


cuisines是什么意思,cuisines怎么读 语音:
英音  [kwɪ'zi:nz] 
美音 [kwɪ'zi:nz] 

  • 基本解释
n.烹饪( cuisine的名词复数 );菜肴;(通常指昂贵的饭店中的)饭菜;烹饪艺术

  • cuisines是什么意思?


例句:The cuisine of Provence is renowned for its use of herbs and garlic.


1. I am going to buy a new car, and I am looking forward to driving it.

2. I am going to the cinema with my friends, and we are going to see a movie.

3. I am going to cook dinner for my family, and I am going to make a delicious meal.

4. I am going to take a walk in the park, and I am going to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

5. I am going to help my mom with the housework, and I am going to clean the kitchen.


1. 在句子中加入一些细节可以使句子更加生动和具体。例如,可以将“driving it”改为“driving my new car”,这样可以让读者更好地理解你正在期待的事情。

2. 句子中的“going to see a movie”可以改为“seeing a movie”,这样更加符合英语表达习惯。

3. 句子中的“making a delicious meal”可以改为“cooking a delicious meal”,这样更加清晰明了。

4. 句子中的“enjoying the beautiful scenery”可以改为“admiring the beautiful scenery”,这样可以让读者更好地理解你在公园中欣赏风景的心情。

5. 句子中的“cleaning the kitchen”可以改为“tidying up the kitchen”,这样更加符合实际情况。


1. I am going to buy a new car, and I am looking forward to driving my new car.

2. I am going to the cinema with my friends, and we are going to see a movie.

3. I am going to cook dinner for my family, and I am going to cook a delicious meal.

4. I am going to take a walk in the park, admiring the beautiful scenery.

5. I am going to help my mom with the housework, and I am going to tidy up the kitchen.

  • 速记技巧
  • 中文词源
  • 双语例句

  • 常用短语

1. Chinese cuisine:中式烹饪,包括各种不同的菜系,如川菜、粤菜、鲁菜等。

2. French cuisine:法国烹饪,以精致的烹饪技巧和丰富的食材著称。

3. Italian cuisine:意大利烹饪,以面条、披萨、意式烩肉等美食而闻名。

4. Spanish cuisine:西班牙烹饪,以海鲜、橄榄油、香料和红酒烩煮而闻名。

5. Mexican cuisine:墨西哥烹饪,以玉米、辣椒、香草等食材为基础,制作出各种风味独特的菜品。

6. Indian cuisine:印度烹饪,以香料和咖喱为主要调味料,口味独特。

7. Thai cuisine:泰国烹饪,以酸辣口味和丰富的香料为特色。

8. Japanese cuisine:日本料理,以新鲜食材和独特的烹饪技巧著称,包括寿司、拉面、天妇罗等。

9. Mediterranean cuisine:地中海烹饪,以橄榄油、香草、鱼类和蔬菜为主要食材,口味清淡而健康。




