MATH 7241 - Probability 1
MATH 7341 - Probability 2
OR 7230 - Probabilistic Operation Research
MATH 7342 - Mathematical Statistics
MATH 7343 - Applied Statistics
Operations Research:
OR 6205 - Deterministic Operations Research
Optimization and Complexity:
MATH 7234 - Optimization and Complexity
CS 5800 - Algorithms
CS 6140 - Machine Learning
CS 7805 - Complexity Theory
CSYE 6200 - Concepts of Object-Oriented Design
CSYE 6205 - Concepts of Object-Oriented Design with C++
EMGT 5220 - Engineering Project Management
EMGT 6225 - Economic Decision Making
EMGT 6305 - Financial Management for Engineers
GE 5010 - Customer-Driven Technical Innovation for Engineers
GE 5100 - Product Development for Engineers
IE 5400 - Healthcare Systems Modeling and Analysis
IE 5500 - Systems Engineering in Public Programs
IE 5617 - Lean Concepts and Applications
IE 5630 - Biosensor and Human Behavior Measurement
IE 6300 - Manufacturing Methods and Processes
IE 7200 - Supply Chain Engineering
IE 7215 - Simulation Analysis
IE 7275 - Data Mining in Engineering
IE 7280 - Statistical Methods in Engineering
IE 7285 - Statistical Quality Control
IE 7290 - Reliability Analysis and Risk Assessment
IE 7315 - Human Factors Engineering
MATH 7233 - Graph Theory
MATH 7346 - Time Series
MATH 7349 - Stochastic Calculus and Introduction to No-Arbitrage Finance
OR 7235 - Inventory Theory
OR 7240 - Integer and Nonlinear Optimization
OR 7310 - Logistics, Warehousing, and Scheduling