n. 发夹
hairpin 基本解释
n. 发夹
hairpin 变化形式
复数: hairpins
中文词源: hairpin
1、 Overall,the circuit has a great variety of corners,including hard braking for a hairpin and other corners that flow nicely.
- Only some egyptian flapper 's silly hairpin giggles .
- 只有某个埃及开放女子的发夹在咯咯地笑。
- The secret is the composition of the hairpin 's turn .
- 秘密就在这个发夹转弯的组成上。
- Cantonese tv series the purple hairpin theme song karaoke .
- 电视剧紫钗记主题曲。
- When the tremor hit around 5 p.m. , du du was in his usual spot : the middle of borgela and sans-fil streets , a hilly hairpin intersection between downtown and the airport .
- 下午5点地震侵袭时,杜杜正在他的“老地方”:博吉拉和圣-菲尔街的中间,位于市中心和机场之间的丘陵发夹带的交叉口。
- With the help of quyen nguyen , a surgeon based at ucsd , dr tsien has tested the hairpin dye on mice that had had breast cancer induced in their bodies .
- 在加州大学圣地亚哥分校的外科医生quyennguyen的帮助下,钱博士在通过诱导获得乳腺癌的小白鼠身上试验了这种发夹染料。