optimistically 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Optimistically , it could come to look rather like switzerland .
- 乐观地说,英国可能会让自己更像瑞士。
- It had projected ( too optimistically ) a 20 % rise in donations in 2011-13 .
- 预计2011年到2013年,捐款会增长20%(这有些过于乐观)。
- Perhaps optimistically , the government hopes the reform bill will be approved by congress before the start of the school year in march .
- 政府乐观地希望这一改革计划能在三月新学年开始前被议会通过。
- Growth is forecast , optimistically , at close to zero in the first four countries in 2013 .
- 即使乐观估计,前四个国家2013年的增长率也不过是接近于零。
- The french seem to be betting , optimistically , on growth to do most of the repair work .
- 乐观地讲,法国似乎是在赌经济的增长能完成大部分的修复工作。
中文词源: optimistically
- Optimistically , it could come to look rather like switzerland .
- 乐观地说,英国可能会让自己更像瑞士。
- It had projected ( too optimistically ) a 20 % rise in donations in 2011-13 .
- 预计2011年到2013年,捐款会增长20%(这有些过于乐观)。
- Perhaps optimistically , the government hopes the reform bill will be approved by congress before the start of the school year in march .
- 政府乐观地希望这一改革计划能在三月新学年开始前被议会通过。
- Growth is forecast , optimistically , at close to zero in the first four countries in 2013 .
- 即使乐观估计,前四个国家2013年的增长率也不过是接近于零。
- The french seem to be betting , optimistically , on growth to do most of the repair work .
- 乐观地讲,法国似乎是在赌经济的增长能完成大部分的修复工作。