vt. 声称;意图;意指;打算
n. 意义,主旨;意图
purport 基本解释
vt. 声称;意图;意味着;打算
n. 意义,要旨;目的,意图
n. 意义,要旨;目的,意图
速记技巧 词根词缀法 pur(pro-)前+-port-运输,携带
词源词缀 pur(pro-)前+-port-运输,携带pur-,向前,-port,含有,承载,词源同porter,comport.引申词义自称,标榜等。
purport 自称,标榜
中文词源: purport 自称,标榜 pur-,向前,-port,含有,承载,词源同porter,comport.引申词义自称,标榜等。 purport
1、 The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period.
2、 A number of tools purport to visualize Ant targets.
- These firms , which purport to provide consulting services , enable investors to pay them for advice on specific companies and industries , some of which may include non-public information .
- 这些号称提供咨询服务的公司让投资者付费以获得某些特定公司和行业的投资建议,其中一些建议可能包括了非公开信息。
- His group also found more cases of " social engineering fraud " -- like " phishing " messages that purport to come from a bank and seek personal information that could be used for identity theft .
- 该机构还发现“社会工程诈骗”增多,例如声称来自银行,盗取个人信息以实施身份盗窃的“网络钓鱼”信息。
- Separately , much of the african writing culture that remains on the continent , including kwani ? , Is propped up with cash from the western donors that african writers purport to excoriate .
- 此外,留下来植根于非洲大陆的创作文化之大部,包括《宽尼文学期刊》在内,都靠西方捐款者的金钱扶持,而这些金援者却正是非洲作家们号称要斥责的人。
- And several studies purport to show that playing violent video games raises aggression levels .
- 几项研究意图证明打电子游戏会增加侵犯等级。
- Many articles and theses purport to explain why behaviour that is plainly foolish such as becoming a heroin addict or buying dotcom stocks for many times what they are worth is nevertheless , in some convoluted sense , rational .
- 可在某种令人费解的意义上,很多声称解释愚蠢行为(例如变成瘾君子或以超出实际价值许多倍的价格购买网络股)的文章和论文却是理性的。