adj. 新大学的
n. 新大学;新学院
redbrick 基本解释
adj. 新大学的
n. 新大学,新学院
n. 新大学,新学院
中文词源: redbrick
1、 The Bailey Power Plant’s twin redbrick chimneys emblazoned with"RJR TOB CO"loom over the interstate.
贝利电力厂的红砖双烟囱上雕刻着“RJR TOB CO”,隐隐约约出现在洲际大路的旁边。
- Then a turbine began to run inside a small , redbrick hall at tofte , a few kilometres south-west of oslo , and electric current emerged .
- 接着,离奥斯陆西南几公里远的托夫特的一个红砖小房里,涡轮机开始运转,于是电流就产生了。
- On a narrow street of modest bungalows in south-western atlanta , walter l. parks middle school stands out : a broad , white building of unmistakably institutional appearance in a district of wood-panelled and redbrick domesticity .
- 在亚特兰大西南部中等大小的平房的一条狭窄的街道上,瓦特派克斯中学引人注意:在木头作嵌板和红砖建成的家庭用房区域内,宽敞白色的建筑是机构建筑的模样绝不会错。
- They said her daughter graduated from a redbrick .
- 据说她的女儿毕业于英国一所较新的大学。
- In june mr assange took refuge in ecuador 's london embassy , a flat in a redbrick mansion-block behind harrods department store , to avoid extradition to sweden , where he is wanted for possible indictment for sexual assault .
- 今年六月,阿桑奇躲进厄瓜多驻伦敦大使馆(位于哈洛德百货公司后方一幢红砖公寓的其中一层)寻求庇护,以避免被引渡至瑞典,他因可能涉及性骚扰指控遭瑞典警方通缉。
- On a hill , a former glassworks with a high redbrick chimney is now home to foreshore families who have moved in to squat . With the screech of packing tape run off the reel , polystyrene boxes of shellfish are sealed and piled high on to the back of motorised rickshaws .
- 在山上,一幢曾经是玻璃工厂的带有红砖烟囱的房子现在被移居过来的渔民们占据着,在唱碟机里飘出的刺耳声音中,一箱箱用聚苯乙烯盒子装着的贝类被封装好并堆在机动三轮车后座上。