n. 工作福利制
workfare 基本解释
n. 工作福利制
中文词源: workfare
1、 In countries like Britain,there is a thin line between a job guarantee-providing work to anyone who needs it-and workfare-denying benefits to anyone who refuses it.
- They 're trying to get me to do workfare .
- 他们想让我在那里工作。
- In rich countries , workfare is meant to stop people living off the state rather than finding gainful employment .
- 在发达国家,工作福利意味着帮助人们脱离对国家的依赖,而不是阻止人们自己去赚钱。
- Volunteers are recruited and trained to act as family befrienders to maintain regular contacts with the families and assist them in meeting the objectives of the cdac workfare programme .
- 华助会将招募和培训义工担任义务家庭辅导员,定期与个案家庭保持联系,以协助他们达到华助会就业援助计划的目的。
- Decades after america started to experiment with " workfare " , requiring those on welfare to do some work in return for their handouts , france has woken up to the idea .
- 在美国首次尝试“工作福利制”(即要求靠领取社会保障金维生的人必须工作,以回报其福利的制度)过去了数十年之后,法国的觉醒才姗姗来迟。
- Universal studios singapore generously invited 78 children from 35 families under the assistance of cdac workfare programme to experience a marvellous fantasy sunday on 21 march 2010 .
- 新加坡环球影城非常慷慨地邀请受助于华助会35户家庭的78名孩子,于2010年3月21日度过一个雀跃梦幻的星期天.