bling bling
- 双语例句
EXAMPLE: The famous actress always wore a lot of dazzling bling whenever she appeared in public.
来源:互联网Successful rappers will usually have big villas, giant flashy cars and a serious amount of bling-bling.
“成名的说唱歌手通常都拥有硕大的别墅 、 扎眼的大轿车和海量的饰物. ”
来源:互联网In an article on the BBC News Magazine, U.K. psychotherapist Benjamin Fry, who co-presents BBC Three's Spendaholics program, says giving up the bling can be traumatic.
在BBC新闻杂志(BBC News Magazine)上的一篇文章中,英国精神治疗师弗莱(Benjamin Fry)写道,放弃奢侈的生活可能会造成创伤性后果。他是BBC三台“花钱狂”节目的主持人之一。
来源:互联网Next year, in Sofia Coppola's The Bling Ring, she plays a celebrity-obsessed Los Angeles teen who burgles the homes of Hollywood stars with a group of like-minded friends.
来源:互联网Hip hop singers like to go bling bling in their music videos to look fancy.
来源:互联网Among the new bling popping out all over is J. Mendel's$ 6500 tote made of broadtail ( the pelt of a very young lamb).