Block trade
- 双语例句
In order to ensure the smooth progress of block trade, our guarantee company can provide goods mortgage and certification service of third party for the quality and price of the aquatic product.
来源:互联网Preliminary Analysis on the Influence of Block Trade on Stock Market Liquidity
来源:互联网The results indicate that: asymmetries in price impact of block trade are significant, which is associated with market condition.
来源:provided by jukuuEuropean Union foreign ministers say they will no longer block a trade agreement and closer ties with Serbia.
来源:互联网Under World Trade Organization rules, the United States has the right to seek retaliatory measures against regulations that block trade.
来源:互联网After discussing the security design about three factor, we analyze and implement the security in the Bond Block Trade System.
来源:互联网The Commission recently outlined plans to limit the remaining powers of national governments to block trade in goods within the eu.
来源:provided by jukuuThe AIA placement would be the biggest block trade in Asia this year, and the fourth involving AIA, according to Dealogic.
来源:互联网The paper has also analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the international trade of three kinds of block agriculture trade goods, such as eel, mushroom and tea, which can reflect the overall of agriculture products trade of Fujian Province.
来源:互联网Take trade in services for example, which is a stumbling block in international trade negotiations. The two countries have vastly different administrative regimes and core concerns.