block signal
- 双语例句
With the signal-chip computer control system, automobile blockader can be combined with time sale network system.
利用单片机 控制系统把汽车挡车器与在线式产品销售网络系统连接起来.
来源:互联网Moving-block signaling system indicates the development tendency of urban rail transIt'signaling system.
来源:互联网So, signal detection of vehicle is an engineering roadblock.
因此, 车辆信息的信号检测是一技术难题.
来源:网络期刊摘选83 ( 8.6%) blood vessels were blocked and color blood flow imaging had no signal, and no spectrum was obtained.
来源:互联网Then a block-signal formulation of Wiener filters and a vector space interpretation of Wienerfilters are considered.
来源:互联网Wedge block can push all signals to the reset position;
来源:互联网At the discourse level, sentence final particle le signals the end of a discourse block.
来源:互联网The SDXC matrix can implement non-blocking cross-connect of any grade STM-1 input signal.
此矩阵可实现2条STM -1 输入信号中任意等级支路之间的无阻塞时隙交换.
来源:互联网Validity and feasibility of the finite difference time domain method is demonstrated by the echo-wave signal of a flat bottom hole block.
来源:互联网Blocking of Akt signaling pathway can induce apoptosis and growth inhibition of cancer cells.