blow down
- 双语例句
An evil wind cannot blow down the Tianshan Mountains, and a hailstorm cannot destroy the grassland!
不是一阵歪风就能吹倒天山, 不是一场冰雹就能毁掉草原!
来源:互联网I will huff. I will puff. I will blow down your house.
我要吹, 我要吹, 我要把你的房子吹倒.
来源:互联网The wind is high enough to blow down tree.
来源:互联网" But, " pointed out the fifth, " a strong wind can blow down the trees. "
“ 但是 ”,第五个指出, “ 一阵强风可以吹倒树 ”.
来源:互联网The stick house is easy to blow down.
来源:互联网Filter drainage or blow-down should be made in normal system flow direction to prevent screen damage.
来源:互联网" But ,'shouted the fifth, " a strong wind can blow down the trees. "
“ 但是, ” 第五只老鼠叫道: “ 强风会把大树吹倒. ”
来源:互联网You know I'll blow down every single brick in a showdown ( in only the first round )
伱明白在最后的演出中莪将炸毁每块砖每片瓦 ( 祗一次 )