- 双语例句
Additional fertilization with boron ( B) promoted the blossom and bearing of plant, thus the yield increased by 8.9% and the conversion rate of soluble sugar increased by 12.1%.
来源:互联网The paper presents some results obtained from a research about effects of rare-earth ( RE) and boron ( B) refining on the microstructure and dezincification corrosion properties of casting lead brass.
来源:互联网The response of ten Arabidopsis ecotypes to boron ( B) deficiency was studied with soil cultivation experiment.
来源:互联网Serum boron ( B) content of pigs from Dingyuan county and Linquan county, Huangshan city, Lujiang county were determined by curcuma colorimetry.
来源:互联网The geometrical structure of the doubly negative charged closo boron hydride B 15 H 2-15 ( D 3h) was optimized at the HF/ 6-31G level, and its energies and normal mode vibrational frequencies were computed at the same level by using abinitio molecular theory.
来源:互联网Objective To study inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry ( ICP-AES) used to determine blood boron ( B), and to investigate the level of B in blood of children in Nanjing.
来源:互联网Boron ( B) is an essential microelement in higher plants, and B deficiency always causes the decrease of the crop yield and quality.
来源:互联网Effect of manganese ( Mn) and boron ( B) on herbage yield and mineral elements content of alfalfa
来源:互联网The optimum conditions for determination of Boron ( B) in mineral water by using azomethine-H under spectrophotometry were investigated.