- 双语例句
The changes of BLC were minimal.
来源:互联网Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC.
来源:网络期刊摘选With transmission electronic microscope, the characteristics of ultra-structure of TLC and BLC were observed.
本研究通过透射电镜观察TLC和BLC超 微结构,发现15%TLC坏死, 35%TLC变性.
来源:互联网Fourteen ESTs were cloned by RT-PCR and SSH analysis of the Rht-Blc isogenic lines.
通过RT -PCR 和对Rht近等基因系的抑制缩减杂交(SSH),我们还克隆了14个有明显开放读码框的EST序列.
来源:互联网The buffer pH notably affect BLC binding to the Cu 2 + chelating membrane adsorbent.
来源:网络期刊摘选The Survival rate showed no significant difference between BLC-2 positive and negtive patients ( P > 0 . 05 ).
随访发现BCL -2 与患者生存率无显著关系 ( P>0.05 ).
来源:互联网Cargos in BLC are allowed to combine, transfer and store without time limit.
货物在中心内可自由组配 、 移、存放期限.