
托福2024-01-13 22:12:10留学之路

n. 旁观者

onlooker 基本解释
n. 旁观者,目击者;观众(等于spectator)



witness audience viewer observer spectator onlooker passer-by bystander eyewitness These are all words for a person who sees sth happen. 以上各词均指目睹事情发生的人。 witness a person who sees sth happen and is able to describe it to other people; a person who gives evidence in a court of law 指目击者、见证人、证人: Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. 警方呼吁这起事故的目击者出来作证。 audience a group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth such as a play or concert; the number of people who watch or listen to the same thing on television, the radio or in the cinema 指戏剧、音乐会、电视、电台、电影等的观众或听众 viewer a person watching television; a person who looks at sth 指电视观众、观看者: The programme attracted millions of viewers. 这个节目吸引了数百万电视观众。 Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer. 她的一些艺术作品旨在教观赏者吃惊。 observer a person who sees sth happen 指观察者、目击者: According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off. 据目击者说,飞机起飞后不久就爆炸了。 spectator a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event 指观看者、观众,尤指体育比赛的: The stadium holds 75 000 spectators. 该体育场可容纳7.5万名观众。 onlooker a person who watches sth that is happening but is not involved in it 指旁观者: A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene of the crash. 在撞车地点聚集了一大群围观者。 passer-by a person who is going past sb/sth by chance, especially when sth unexpected happens 路人、过路的人,尤指意想不到的事发生时碰巧路过的: Police asked passers-by if they had witnessed the accident. 警察询问过路的人是否目击了这次事故。 bystander a person who is near and can see what is happening when sth such as an accident or fight takes place 指现场目击者、旁观者: Three innocent bystanders were killed in the crossfire. 三个无辜的旁观者在交叉火力中丧生。 eyewitness a person who has seen a crime or accident and can describe it afterwards 指犯罪或事故现场的目击者、见证人 常用搭配 before / in fron
onlooker 变化形式
复数: onlookers

中文词源: onlooker
1、 What if she is suffering from a stroke? one onlooker said.

Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong .
Tonight , it 's just me and my hand and possibly a pleased onlooker .
One onlooker observed , " this year has more energy than other years . "
' The current government is relatively weak , ' said a 23-year-old onlooker as he watched protesters near the japanese embassy in beijing .
You will be fooled by a trick if it involves more time , money and practice than you ( or any other sane onlooker ) would be willing to invest .



