n. 柩车,灵车
hearse 基本解释
n. 柩车,灵车
vt. 埋葬;隐蔽
vt. 埋葬;隐蔽
速记技巧 词源词根法 英语单词hearse(灵车)和单词rehearse(排练)的后一部分完全相同,它们之间有什么关联吗?没错,它们其实拥有相同的词源。单词hearse的词源是herse,指的是农具耙子,用作动词时表示用耙子耙地。所以rehearse的本意就是用耙子反复耙地,比喻反复练习、排练。hearse除了表示“耙子”外,还可以表示教堂中的一种灯具,用来安放蜡烛。在教堂举行丧礼时,通常会把这种耙形灯具放在灵柩的上方。由于插上蜡烛后形状类似一把耙子,所以这种灯具也被称为hearse。后来,hearse一词又衍生出“灵柩、灵车”的含义,原本表示“耙子”、“耙形灯具”的含义反而被人淡忘了。=rehearse[rɪ'hɜːs]vt.vi.排练,预演,演习=rehearsal[rɪ'hɜːs(ə)l]n排练,预演,演习
hearse 变化形式
复数: hearses
第三人称单数: hearses
过去式: hearsed
过去分词: hearsed
现在分词: hearsing
第三人称单数: hearses
过去式: hearsed
过去分词: hearsed
现在分词: hearsing
中文词源: hearse 灵车,灵柩 来自古法语herce,耙子,来自拉丁语hercia,耙子,来自古希腊方言Oscan语hirpus,狼。由狼引申词义狼牙,耙子,因形如狼牙而得名。后引申词义教堂大烛台,灵车前的灯烛,后代指灵车,灵柩。 hearse
1、 The boy remained as dismal as a hearse.
- Eventually they are carted to a hearse waiting outside .
- 最终这些尸体会被运到在外面等候的灵车上。
- The airport bowl alley has been closed for years , but its parking lot was filled with cars monday , and a hearse .
- 机场保龄球馆(airportbowl)已经关闭多年,但在周一,它的停车场停满了车,还有一辆灵车。
- Kim jong-eun , kim jong-il 's son and successor , walked to the right of his father 's hearse , which was covered in white chrysanthemums .
- 金正日之子、接班人金正恩(kimjong-eun)在覆盖白菊花的灵车右侧步行。
- When the hearse backed up to a wooden sidewalk before a naked weatherbeaten frame house the same composite ill-defined group that had stood upon the station siding was huddled about the gate .
- 灵车退到一座饱经风霜的木屋的木头过道边,大门口挤着的又是火车站月台上那团模模糊糊的人群。
- " How can you call a hearse a regular car ? Our passengers are deceased , " said protester aris karvounidis , a member of the funeral services association of northern greece .
- 参加抗议活动的北希腊殡葬服务协会会员亚力斯卡拉翁尼维斯说:“灵车怎么可能是一辆普通的车呢?我们的乘客都是亡灵。”